Looking into the Artists’ Eyes

It’s easy to give feedback. But there’s something about giving honest and genuine feedback while looking into the eyes of an artist that’s emotional, different. The Scituate Art Festival is one of the largest festivals of its kind in the nation....

Three Dumb Questions

“How long does it have to be?” he asks. “There are three questions you will never ask me,” I reply. “What’s the date and time,” I motion to the date scribed in red and the analog clock ticking out seconds as our lives pass by....

Wild West of Punctuation

The dash is like the Wild West of punctuation. It has no rules. As a writer, I overuse it. I commit other grammatical crimes, too, like my regular use of the sentence fragment, but there’s nothing like a dash to liven up a paragraph. Author and grammar watchdog...

He Said, “No”

I got outed. “Is this you following me with this blog?” “Yes,” I confessed.  I wanted to say, “no.”  I’d just pushed the button on what I thought would be my blog.  I thought it was good.  It was not.  I got caught. My friend...