Dreams and Mirages

I wake. Something’s not right. I’m annoyed with the world. I always wake happy. My glass replenishes. It should be at least half-full. It was the kind of dream where the world doesn’t work–not a nightmare, the type where nothing is as it should...

He Forgot to Go South

It’s cold outside. The kind of cold I’d bottle and save for July. I’m outside with no coat and untied shoes, starting my car so I can peel out of the driveway in five minutes. The engine protests. I jog back to the house. My hand sticks to the metal...

A Practical Proverb

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it determines the course of your life.” –Proverbs 4:23 This verse was posted in a New Year’s message in which I was tagged. I know it’s a Bible verse, but I’m going to calligraphy it all nice...

Underwear Ninja Learns Zen

He was standing in the living room, dressed in his best Fruit of the Looms. Seems the holes in guys’ underwear make a convenient location to holster a sword. He drew it with intention, staring me down swinging impressively. It’s tough to get sword training...