A Long Road to Enlightenment

We are at the farm. “Mommy,” he says, “I have something to tell you.” “What?” I reply, “And hold my hand before you get squashed by that tractor.” “I know about God now.” I often get in trouble for not...

Do It My Way! (No Apples for You!)

I am coloring with Declan. We are making trees. I start to make my usual tree, which will emerge with owls, a couple of flowers, a graveyard off in the distance, and maybe a kid fishing by a stream. The kid might even fall in. I never finish the picture. I never...

Good Old American Day at the Outdoor Store

You know you’re going to have a great day at the local outdoor store when they are giving away cowbells to every little kid who walks in the door like it’s Yankee Cap day at the Stadium. Cow bells. Fantastic! I’d expect that from the tractor store,...

Have Tons of Kids: It’s the New Social Security

I make fun of my friends with large families. I say insensitive things like, “Here, take Declan. You’ll never know he’s there. You have too many kids to count anyway.” I’ve said that twice this summer alone. Just this week I said it to my...