

61+iXN5D11L._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_Don'tSniff0201 copyTiny T-Rex Tries


Don’t Sniff the Glue: A Teacher’s Misadventures in Education Reform

I went into teaching to change the world. Instead, my students changed me. 

These are some of my stories. I tell them at a time when education’s gone from being “a noble pursuit” to the epicenter of a national storm. Good teachers are leaving the field at staggering rates. Politicians and pundits are out in full force. Everyone has something to say about education–everyone except the students and teachers in the classroom. 

Don’t Sniff the Glue: A Teacher’s Misadventures in Education Reform is the humorous and heartwarming story of one teacher working through idealism and red tape to teach the teens who will soon run the world.

Tiny T-Rex Tries to Annoy Mom

Tiny T-Rex does everything he can to annoy his mom…to no avail. This is a collaboration with world-famous cartoonist and boatschooler Sarah Steenland:

Journey into the Secret Garden: Paronella Park

Australia’s Paronella Park is a national gem. Read this book and see all the magical things inside. This is another Casey-Steenland production.