Why Study History?

I found the following question on Quora. I had to answer. Why do schools teach history instead of something more practical? When and why did the governments across the world decide to add history as a subject And why does it have to be history instead of some other...

A Long Road to Enlightenment

We are at the farm. “Mommy,” he says, “I have something to tell you.” “What?” I reply, “And hold my hand before you get squashed by that tractor.” “I know about God now.” I often get in trouble for not...

Bad Parent Series: Things with Wheels Will Break Your Face

“I have some gifts for Declan. Ian doesn’t need them anymore.”  There were four things in the back of the car. A scooter, a skateboard, and a pogo stick–three things to make you fall on your face. The fourth thing, a pitchback, will hit you in...