Why Study History?

I found the following question on Quora. I had to answer. Why do schools teach history instead of something more practical? When and why did the governments across the world decide to add history as a subject And why does it have to be history instead of some other...

Friending the Pope on Facebook

The Pope crossed my Facebook stream. I wondered if it was really the Pope. I’ve friended Jesus H. Christ, Jesus M. Christ, and Jesus (Plain) Christ already, just to make sure I get the right one. I couldn’t find the Buddha on Facebook but Rumi is on...

I Endorse You. That Makes You Great

“You need to attend to your LinkedIn.” My brother reviewed it for me. He sees lots of resumes. It was okay for my first career, but it needed to be freshened up and updated for the 21st century. It was stodgy, like a historian wrote it. Because I teach...

Using Checklists to Raise Self-Esteem

I made a learnboard on Learnist about checklists. It was based on a fabulous article by Dr. Todd Finley, who researched everything related to checklists. He read all the research on checklists, poured through every website about checklists known to mankind, and read...