Rosetta Stone for Rhode Island Directions

I was sitting in the lobby of the hotel, waiting for my friend, Instagramming pictures of chandeliers. The hotel was from a time gone by, restored to its original 1922 grandeur. It was from the age where industrial barons brought wealth to Rhode Island. Manufacturing...

Nice Girls Get Carjacked

I left the chapel. It was the kind of bird-singing, blue-sky day even God sticks around a little while longer. Fr. Al talked about love, compassion, helping thy neighbor. The usual stuff that in the hands of a skilled orator made me want to save the world. But not...

I’ve Got “That Kid”

I came home smiling. Life treated me well for a Monday. I walked through the door, tossed my keys on the island and looked into the dining room. There sat a strange six-year old, not moving a muscle. Since I don’t own a six-year old who doesn’t move a...