The First Snow in New England

Yesterday was the first cold day up here–I knew because everyone’s social media stream said, “SNOW!” Those posts that saved me the effort of turning my head to look out the window. Still, I looked, because that’s what the first snow in...

My Mailbox

The Teacher’s Mailroom. It’s a relic from the past. Boxes that serve as a repositories for things better ignored via email. Every once in a while the cluttered box proves its worth. I get a special treat from someone like a thank you note or a card with a...

Friending the Pope on Facebook

The Pope crossed my Facebook stream. I wondered if it was really the Pope. I’ve friended Jesus H. Christ, Jesus M. Christ, and Jesus (Plain) Christ already, just to make sure I get the right one. I couldn’t find the Buddha on Facebook but Rumi is on...

The Lost Boys

They roam around school–freshmen. Lost. Their first day. “Miss,” they say, “where’s…” “Miss, how do I get to….” “Check your schedule,” I say. “If there’s an ‘A,’ you...