“Shakespeare’s Not for Me”

“Shakespeare’s Not for Me”

It’s Shakespeare’s 450th birthday. This morning, I received a challenge in my inbox. Write something for him. “But he’s dead,” I protested. “He doesn’t need a card or cake.” I can’t resurrect him by writing a blog...
Paralyzed by Vacation

Paralyzed by Vacation

We spend days, no weeks, looking forward to school vacation. Students nearly refuse to work in the days leading up to it. “Miss, can I go watch a movie in Mrs. X’s class?” I look at him. He must be  insane. “Um, no, we’re doing our big...

Don’t Yell at Me, I’m Learning!

The bell rang. I walked into my room. My students were playing video games. The horror! I stood there, an invisible force in the universe that doesn’t matter much to kids playing video games. “Um…hello?” “Oh, hi, Miss.” The game...

I’ve Got “That Kid”

I came home smiling. Life treated me well for a Monday. I walked through the door, tossed my keys on the island and looked into the dining room. There sat a strange six-year old, not moving a muscle. Since I don’t own a six-year old who doesn’t move a...