Never Make a Video of Your Butt

Never Make a Video of Your Butt

“Never, ever make a video of your butt.” This is the first rule of digital citizenship. “Why?” Declan asks. We’ve been home for some snow days. He’s using this time to make painfully long videos.  He wants to be a YouTuber. He tells...
Taking Candy from Babies

Taking Candy from Babies

I don’t eat processed foods but for once, I needed candy. I waited all day for a senior I’ve been trying to convert to healthy eating, because I knew she’d have junk food. I lurked around corners and told her friends I was waiting. Finally, she...
When You Have the Bad Kid…

When You Have the Bad Kid…

“Declan broke this pencil on purpose. He’ll have to replace it.” Yet another note from school. “Why did you do that?” I ask. He gives me a blank stare like he got his mind erased in a sci-fi movie. I have to funnel down excuses...