Don’t Need to “Get a Sweater”

The wood stove is on. Rural New England’s got “the-leaves-have-turned” chill that sparks my competitive spirit. It’s five degrees colder than urban New England where the collective effects of the sun beating off the black pavement and all the...

No More “Cookie Mom”

I’m baking for the bake sale. Declan’s school has a table at the Scituate Art Festival. This is my first opportunity to raise money for the elementary school. I’m not good at fundraising but on days where I pay attention, I can cook. On days I...

Why I Can’t Teach Elementary School

I can’t discuss the day I had yesterday…not because I don’t want to…because of confidentiality. I never discuss things that can be pegged to individual students unless they are positive shout outs. It was a Class-A challenging day, filled with...

Have the Frankenapple if You Must

Yesterday we went to the farm and got B Grade produce. B Grade produce is the best kept secret on the planet. Some, like peaches and tomatoes, are overripe, needing to be eaten or canned immediately. Others, like eggplants and apples just don’t look good on...

Sick of Your Friends’ First Day of School Photos?

My son got off the bus with a stern warning, “You can’t participate in those jokes,” said the monitor. She was very nice. Declan was listening to jokes, not telling them, she explained, but they have no place on the bus. I bet they were pirated from...