I’m Gonna Write about You

I’m Gonna Write about You

When I started writing, I was told never to befriend a blogger because I wouldn’t know when I’d end up in print. Next, that I hadn’t made it till I woke up and found myself in someone else’s blog. Both are true. The first time I woke up in a...

Electricity and First-World Conveniences

$187.74. The electricity bill. That’s pretty high. “Did you miss a payment?” Rusty asked. “No. I overpaid.” I pay random amounts and usually end up months ahead. Why? I don’t know. Bill ADHD. I try to get ahead of the months I know...

I Can Do Anything I Want

“Mom, you can’t do that!” Um, yes, I can. It seems like I, once again, made an executive parenting decision that was unpopular to the crowd. Too bad. I started to think. I just turned 42. There is a whole host of things I can do now. In fact, I can...