Screen Shot 2013-12-09 at 9.35.31 PMIt’s Christmas shopping season. We’ve got boxes, bangles, and bags everywhere, even though I’ve done my best to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

I’m not close to done preparing and baking this year. Christmas is sneaking up on me.

Maybe it’s the minimal snow and fifty-degree days, or maybe I’m getting old, and everyone knows that old people say days, months, and years pass quickly. That’s why they go to restaurants at 4PM. Not because they’re afraid someone might eat the last liver and onions, but because they’re afraid they might knock off before the meal’s ended.

Declan and Brittany were enjoying some sibling time. She offered to take him shopping.

“What do you want to get for Mommy and Daddy for Christmas?” That means “What do you want me to pay for on your behalf?” It’s a generous prospect.

Screen Shot 2013-12-09 at 9.27.35 PM“Underwear for Daddy.” What Dad doesn’t need to drown in ties and underwear?

“What about for Mommy?”

This is where all my Momness really came back to bite me. When I’m angry he asks me what I want. “I want you to be good.”

“What else do you want, Mommy?”

“I want world peace and an end to human suffering.” That’s what I always say when I need a rhetorical answer in a clutch.

“So,” Brittany asked, “What do you want to get for Mommy?”

Screen Shot 2013-12-09 at 9.32.31 PMAnd the answer came. Without hesitation. “World peace and an end to human suffering…but I don’t know where to get that.”

You know, buddy, I don’t think anyone really knows where to get that. Just look around the world today. Not much peace and a whole lot of human suffering.

But we can do our part. Try. Be a little bit better, kinder, simpler, and more loving each day. If everyone does their part–helps one person, thinks one nice thought, I’ll get my gift after all. But if not, it’s okay. I appreciate the fact you tried.


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