Moms Have Demands!

Moms Have Demands!

I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I come back. There’s a giant dog where I should be. I haven’t left for long–I don’t need more than thirty seconds to pee. The dog was lying in wait. “That’ll teach her to...

Snuggly Boys Take All the Room

He’s in my bed again, that cuddly, snuggly boy. Cuddly, snuggly boys take up all the room. They grab the blankets, they kick, and they sometimes laugh in the middle of the night–great big cackly laughs like they’ve found perfect happiness. I’d...
“Just Sit.”  Why Moms Can’t Meditate

“Just Sit.” Why Moms Can’t Meditate

The doctor grounded me. “Relax.  Meditate,” he said.  “Or go walking.” I miss running.  I’ve been trying to meditate instead, but it’s not the same. I’m not good at sitting still.  Maybe it’s ADHD or my bad-athlete...

My Kid Can Beat Your Kid at Everything!

I survived Parent Teacher Conference last night. As a parent, I go out of respect. I know the poor teacher has to be there, and she’s amazing. As a teacher, I’m sad dragging parents across six towns to wait in line for ten minutes with me. They worked a...