“Just Sit.”  Why Moms Can’t Meditate

“Just Sit.” Why Moms Can’t Meditate

The doctor grounded me. “Relax.  Meditate,” he said.  “Or go walking.” I miss running.  I’ve been trying to meditate instead, but it’s not the same. I’m not good at sitting still.  Maybe it’s ADHD or my bad-athlete...

Sleeping with the (little) Devil

Somewhere in the middle of the night he comes to bed. Never quietly. Always in the same pattern, like a hurdler or high-jumper going for the record. Bounce, bounce, PLOP. Sometimes the plop lands over me successfully, gold medal achieved. Often it comes crashing down...

Not Dead Yet. But Decaf Is Close

“I have a confession to make,” I said. “I’m drinking decaf coffee.  And it $%^% sucks.” Decaf coffee is what doctors sentence a person to when they have no more medical hope or advice for them. “Start drinking decaf.” It means...

Deep Dark Secrets in the Classroom

There are secrets that teachers should never reveal. I’m not talking about the three days you went to the beach pretending you had diarrhea. Not that. File that under “mental health.”  Never speak of it again. I’m talking about skills. Never...

Not Dead Yet

I love Monty Python line “Not dead yet,” That’s my favorite line. I feel that way when summer comes and it’s time to make my doctors appointments. I always forget who I’ve seen, when, and who is due to come up in the batting order. This...